click image to enlarge

The Blu Flag

Blu Flag Magnets

Blu Flag Decals

Custom designed indoor/
outdoor nylon flag with a
header and two grommets

2.5"x3" glossy finish

4"x7" clear vinyl decal with static cling back - no adhesives (clings to outside of window)

Price: $25.00

Price: $3.00

Price: $4.00

Set A: Ascendance, Balance, Wisdom, Joy, Grace
click image to enlarge

Sacred Symbol Magnets

2.5"x3.5" glossy finish magnets(sizes may vary slightly)
Click on a set below to view its symbols.

Set A: Ascendance, Balance, Wisdom, Joy, Grace

Set B: Prime Source, Sacred Union, Justice, Ancient Ones, Radiance

Set C: Forgiveness, Intention, Celebration, Earth, Freedom

Set D: Compassion, Harmony, Nurturance, Sustenance, Peace

Set E: Galactic Unity, Fertility, Healing, Ancient Ones, Truth


Sacred Symbols Deck of Cards
click image to enlarge

Sacred Symbols Deck of Cards

Sacred Symbols
Reflections of Union
A Series of Sacred Symbols for the Healing Arts

Deck contains 55 symbols.

NJ residents add 7% sales tax. For shipping information, please add desired items to your basket and enter your zip code or country.

For more information about Blu please email

The Blu Flag © 2001, Stillpoint Productions
Sacred Symbols © 2000, Stillpoint Productions
No part of this site may be reproduced without written permission from Stillpoint Productions, LLC. Blu Flag Soul Blazers Stillpoint Productions Whisperers Home